
Choosing An Engagement Ring That Suits Her Hand!


Engagement ring is the promise you make your partner for being on their side lifelong. It is the beauty of the ring that holds true importance. But one of the crucial aspects of choosing an engagement ring is that it should her hand.

The ring size, shape and design should flatter the hands they are going to adorn. Pre-designed diamond and gold rings appeal but may not make about a great impression. And so custom designed Fine Diamond jewellery is one of the finest choices to make. As one ring doesn’t fit all hand shapes and sizes, here is how you should make a choice!

The right shape and size

Before buying an engagement ring for your partner consider taking the width, height and style requirements to make a smart choice. The ring width, and shape has a lot to say to create and impact on the fingers. A big hand wont suit a slim ring, likewise a small hand would look heavy with a heavy and wide ring on it. It is important to take notice of size and width before considering a buy!

Finger style defines the rings

For long and thin fingers almost all the ring styles work beautifully. You can choose from princess cut to the round solitaires that complement with wide bands to make the most of it. For the slender fingers, there is need to choose small stones with thicker bands. These help keep the subtle beauty of hands with the rings. Short fingers need a differently designed stone to make an impact. Here there is need for the stones to be shaped in oval, pear etc. Thin finger bands work effectively!

Hand size for the rings

For the hands that are small, getting a small ring works. These should be minimalistic with less number of stones and thinner bands. For the large hands the rings with larger rings and wider bands create an impact. The shapes of the diamonds matter here. For small hands try picking smaller diamonds while for the longer fingers having larger diamonds are better!

For best purchase of diamond jewellery that impresses your mate and makes their hands look beautiful while they flaunt the ring. Engagement rings can be truly a satisfying experience when they are chosen I custom designs and shapes to suit her hands. Make sure you notice the right dimensions that are needed for your loved ones before making a purchase!

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